Melnikov, Helena, CEO
© DIHK / Werner Schuering
Melnikov, Helena, CEO
© DIHK / Werner Schuering
Born: 16th of November 1981
Marital status: married, two children
School education
2001: Abitur, Marie-Curie-Gymnasium Recklinghausen
University studies
2001 - 2005: Studied law at the University of Bremen
09.06.2006: First state examination in law, University of Bremen
2007 - 2009: Doctorate in law, University of Bremen
2009 - 2011: Legal clerkship, Higher Regional Court of Cologne
14.04.2011: Second state examination, OLG Cologne
Professional career
June 2011 - September 2011: Legal advisor, Neelsen Agrar GmbH, Kiel
November 2011 - June 2014: Head of Legal and Competition Department, Federal Association of Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services (BGA)
- In this role also Head of the Agricultural Policy Department and Managing Director of three associations
June 2014 - August 2021: Managing Director Waren-Verein der Hamburger Börse e.V.
- Also responsible for three affiliated associations, two limited liability companies and an arbitration tribunal
- Representation of the interests of the German and European food industry
September 2021 - December 2024: Managing Director and Member of the Board, GermanAssociation of Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics (BME)
Since January 2025: Chief Executive Officer, German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK)