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Support for German foreign trade. The DIHK stands up for the interests of German foreign trade with respect to politicians. With position papers on free and fair trade and, for example, protection against product piracy, the DIHK is at the forefront of providing advice to decision-makers at the Federal Ministries and in Parliament.
German economic surveys. The DIHK bases its thematic priorities on the results of regular surveys carried out at home and abroad among representatives of German companies. "Going International" and the "AHK World Business Outlook" capture the mood of companies and provide an overview on countries and sectors with particular potential. This makes it possible, for example, to identify trade and other barriers to exports at an early stage so that on the basis of these findings, exports can be specifically promoted and hurdles reduced.
Representation of German economic interests at EU level. More and more decisions at EU level affect the daily business of German companies – it is not unusual for additional bureaucracy to be created, which makes business difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany in particular. The team of the DIHK office in Brussels communicates regularly with the institutions of the EU to advocate more competition and less state intervention – in the interests of German business.
German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHKs): Official representatives of the German economy abroad. The AHKs represent the interests of German businesses towards politics and administration at roundabout 150 locations in 93 countries worldwide. Access to decision-makers in their host countries contributes towards improving the framework conditions for trade and foreign investments.
Connecting companies. Promoting the development of bilateral economic relations is another crucial function of the AHKs. They have built up networks with more than 45,000 German and local member companies. The members give voice to the AHKs and weight to the effective representation of interests both locally and in Germany. The AHKs are part of a network in business, administration and politics – both here and abroad.
Market entry services. The AHKs support companies from Germany in entering foreign markets and companies from abroad in entering the German market through their global service brand "DEinternational". Their portfolio includes a broad range of services reaching from business partner searches to company foundations and HR management.
Powerful partners in Germany. The strategic partners of the AHKs in Germany are the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (IHKs) as well as Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI). The IHKs support German companies with a variety of information on doing business abroad, customs issues and international events. They establish links to the AHKs when their members are about to enter foreign markets. GTAI provides up-to-date information to German companies seeking to expand their businesses abroad and supports companies looking to invest in Germany with expert advice.