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    Dual vocational education and training abroad

    Weltkarte AHK-Berufsbildung

    The AHKs offer specific services for dual vocational education and training in 45 countries.

    © DIHK / Kartendaten: 2020 Google, INEGI

    Supporting companies, who want to form and educate skilled workers abroad according to german quality standards: With this aim the AHKs, IHKs and the DIHK engage together for dual vocational education and training in foreign countries. The global overall concept and the concrete local services for vocational education paste seamlessly into the assignment for foreign trade promotion.

    Here you can find an overview of the vocational-training-AHKs, the apprenticeships and offers for further education.

    What the AHKs achieve for the dual vocational training abroad:

    The AHKs

    • advise for example companies on the best way to dual vocational training and further eduaction as well as on the related requirements in the destination country
    • organize and moderate processes, in which companies can adjust and determine the elements of apprenticeships based on german standards – under the conditions of the specific country
    • carry out instructions and tests on operational training staff with the worldwide used qualification concept „training of the instructors (AdA) – international“
    • link and coordinate all partners who are a part of the vocational training, for example training companies, apprentices, vocational schools or intercorporate training facilities
    • advise and support companies at any time on all questions about the vocational training and promote the appreciation of the degrees in the destination country
    • organize and carry out valid and quality assured tests based on the quality standards of the DIHK for AHK-activities in terms of the vocational education
    • award attendees after the passed test with an AHK-DIHK-certificate
    • honor training companies with the AHK-DIHK-certificate „awarded training company“

    More about the complete overview of offers, concepts and quality management of the DIHK-AHK-IHK-organization: "Dual vocational education and training abroad" (PDF, 3 MB)

    The competence center for international vocational training of the DIHK (DIHK-KIBB) is committed to supporting the vocational training abroad. It was founded by the DIHK e. V., the DIHK-Bildungs-gGmbH and the DIHK Service GmbH – that is why it has the best requirements to use all potentials for synergies and cooperations within the DIHK-AHK-IHK-organization.

    Click here to find out more about the competence center and its team of experts: "DIHK-competence-center for international vocational training" (PDF, 340 KB)

    Additional information:

    • Skills Experts Program
      The Federal Ministry of Economics and the DIHK have founded the program „Skills Experts“ in order to support the AHKs in building and extending its offers for vocational training. Currently the program covers the countries Indonesia, Vietnam, Croatia, Bosnien-Herzegowina, North Macedonia, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa and Chile. Thereby the AHKs are an interface between german and local companies. Often the cooperation shows important ideas to enhance the local system of the vocational training. That is why the AHKs also offer advising services for ministries and other institutions.
    • AHKs
      Information about the worldwide network of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHKs) and contacts to all destinations you can find here:
    • Philippines: K to 12 Plus Project
      The pilot project „K to 12 Plus Project“ in terms of the dual vocational training supports young people in the region of Manila.