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More and more laws have their origin at EU level, therefore, EU politics has a direct impact on companies. DIHK‘s Brussels office is committed to representing the interests of German business and is in direct contact with the decision-makers of the EU Commission, Parliament and Council. In order to ensure that the voice of DIHK’s member is heard, alliances with other trade associations, and in particular through "Eurochambres" the European Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, are of growing importance.
DIHK specifically places company-relevant topics on the European agenda. Through its local presence, the DIHK in Brussels is the link between the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, companies and the EU institutions. In addition, DIHK Brussels represents the interests of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad, as well as the delegate and representative offices of German business at around 150 locations worldwide. DIHK conveys its positions to the decision-makers of the EU with official opinions and position papers and takes part in European policy debates in public and in the media.
The DIHK has had its own office in Brussels for more than 60 years in order to represent the interests of German companies. Most departments of DIHK are represented by one employee at the office in Brussels. Since 2004, DIHK has been located together with our European umbrella organisation Eurochambres in the "House of European Chambers" in Brussels in order to strengthen the cooperation with our European partners.
Through the 79 Chambers of Commerce and Industry, DIHK can incorporate the experience and expertise of the member companies in the opinions it provides to politicians. By working closely with the relevant national associations and companies, as well as through its dialogue with representatives of the European Parliament, Commission and Council, DIHK acts as a platform and network partner for politics and business in Brussels.
Better regulation, cooperation with the EU institutions, digitalisation, energy and environment, European Single Market, foreign trade, industrial and SME policy, innovation, regional policy and transport, taxation and law, training.