© DIHK / Dr Mona Moraht
© DIHK / Dr Mona Moraht
The DIHK represents commercial and industrial enterprises and those belonging to the service sector vis-à-vis politicians, administrators and the public. It represents the general interest of the commercial sector at federal and European level – for example for less bureaucracy, free trade or a fast internet. The goal: good framework conditions for successful business. The DIHK aggregates the interests of businesses across all sectors and branches of the economy in a democratic and deliberative manner. These interests are conveyed to it by the 79 local Chambers of Commerce and Industry across Germany. The spectrum of opinions on the various economic policy issues is as diverse as the business landscape in Germany.
When analysing and aggregating the business feedback, DIHK takes this entire range of opinions into account. It also includes relevant minority opinions into its opinions. After all, politicians and administrators depend on information from the business community being conveyed to them as comprehensively as possible. This is how the DIHK develops joint positions of the German business community – and helps to shape the opinion on economic policy in Berlin and Brussels in a balanced and authentic way. Entrepreneurs in statutary and honorary bodies like general assemblies and committees play a decisive role in developing the economic policy positions that the DIHK represents. These bodies are supported by more than 200 employees in Berlin and Brussels. The DIHK Chief Executive Officer manages the daily business of the DIHK and is appointed by its General Assembly.
In addition, the DIHK coordinates the network of more than 150 foreign Chambers of Commerce, delegations and representative offices of German business in 93 countries. More about the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad.